• September 29, 2004
  • Jens Loeffler
  • 0

That got your attention, didn’t it? Hehehe, while I did spot some screensharing entries in the Actionscript docs a while ago I haven’t seen this before:
Fire up Flash > open Help > go to Developing Communication Applications > Application Development Tips and Tricks > Snapshots and thumbnails > Thumbnails.
So far so good, now click next… and next again. You get the idea. Makes for some interesting reading.

Sorry if this is old news but I have never seen these chapters before. I am not sure if this was added with Ellipsis or if these chapters have always been lurking. In any case, I can’t wait for this to work and it sounds to me like a Flash Player limitation rather than a Flashcom limitation.

Your comments please.


Jens Loeffler

Author of Overdigital.net. The views/posts are my personal opinion.


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