Yahoo! Maps, which used to be Ajax based, has a Flex based Beta version now.

“The upgraded Yahoo Maps is more tightly integrated with Yahoo Local, allowing users to quickly find, for instance, the locations of Mexican restaurants in a particular neighborhood by typing in things like “best margarita” or “outdoor seating” or other category types or descriptions.

In addition, users can now type in a business address and the service will display the business name, phone number, user rating and link to additional information.

The new service also aims to make it easy to map out driving directions with multiple stops, including the ability to drag-and-drop specific businesses into the route. The map is larger and includes a collapsible mini-map with a shadow box that can easily be dragged around to shift the neighborhood displayed in the larger map. ” (via

It even finds my local Deli and shows the live traffic in my area. Great application and important step for Flex!


Jens Loeffler

Author of The views/posts are my personal opinion.

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