There is additional information available on the Adobe website, including a video with Adobe’s Adrian Ludwig demonstrating Flash applications on the iPhone.

Flash applications in the Apple App store include Chroma Circuit, Trading Stuff, Ficklebox, Just Letters, South Park, That Roach Game and Red Hood – links in the link above, or download the apps by simply searching for the name in your iPhone App store.

And here is how it works as described in the Developer Center article by Aditya Bansod, Adobe:

“We enabled this by using the Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) compiler infrastructure. LLVM is a modular, flexible compiler system that is used widely in a variety of projects. The key reason we choose LLVM is its flexibility and applicability to iPhone development.

We created a new compiler front end that allowed LLVM to understand ActionScript 3 and used its existing ARM back end to output native ARM assembly code. We call this Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation—in contrast to the way Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR function on the desktop using Just in Time (JIT) compilation. Since we are able to compile ActionScript to ARM ahead of time, the application gets all the performance benefits that the JIT would offer and the license compliance of not requiring a runtime in the final application.

By doing the compilation step, we allow developers to create applications using their Flash skills and their knowledge of ActionScript 3. In the process, we also expose the APIs that developers are familiar with so they can not only use the ActionScript language but follow the customary app-building model. When you build your application for the iPhone, there is no interpreted code and no runtime in your final binary. Your application is truly a native iPhone app.”

Read the full article Developing for the Apple iPhone using Flash.


Jens Loeffler

Author of The views/posts are my personal opinion.

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