Breaking news from Adobe MAX – an upcoming Flash Player dot release (10.1) will have support for protected HTTP streaming. Here are the details from the press release:

“Adobe has also unveiled plans to add new protocol support for media delivery with HTTP streaming on the Flash Platform, including integration of content protection powered by Flash Access 2.0 software. Code-named Zeri, the HTTP technologies will be an open format based on industry standards and will provide content publishers, distributors and partners the tools they need to utilize HTTP infrastructures for high-quality media delivery in Flash Player 10.1 and AIR 2 both on desktops and devices. Customers today use Flash Media Server 3.5 software for interactive media experiences, high network efficiency, smart caching technology and real time communication and will now have the flexibility to use HTTP streaming. Zeri will support all available media codecs supported today and will continue to support high quality live and recorded media with adaptive bit-rate and network DVR support to the Flash player. With Project Zeri and Flash Media Server 3.5, the Flash Platform delivers the next generation of high quality media experiences at scale.”

Full press release.
Ryan Stewart’s announcements summary.


Jens Loeffler

Author of The views/posts are my personal opinion.

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