There are two significant product releases before the Memorial weekend: Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming and the official release of OSMF v 1.0.

HTTP Dynamic Streaming
Flash is known for video playback, which is one of the reasons this blog exists. There were two ways to deliver video content in the past. Progressive download (unprotected), and RTMP streaming through Flash Media Server (protected). HTTP Dynamic Streaming adds an additional option by combining the RTMP features (content protection, adaptive bitrate, live, DVR, etc.) with the delivery over regular HTTP networks. What does this mean for you? Well, Adobe is not replacing RTMP, but now you can select whatever your preferred content delivery method is, and it’s supported in Flash Player 10.1: Progressive download, RTMP streaming, HTTP streaming, or P2P. Combine this with the ubiquity of the Flash Player, and the choice of your online video platform shouldn’t be too hard.

Vsit HTTP Dynamic Streaming on

Open Source Media Framework (OSMF)
OSMF has been released as version 1.0. As I described in The Power of OSMF, the value of having a standardized framework is significant. If you want to see OSMF in action visit And yes, OSMF supports all features of HTTP Dynamic Streaming.

Visit the OSMF website.

Exciting times for the online video community.


Jens Loeffler

Author of The views/posts are my personal opinion.

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