There are many milestones in the history of Flash Video, starting from adding streaming support, or supporting H.264. Today another milestone was made available to the public fundamentally enhancing the video performance of HD Flash Video – StageVideo support in Flash Player 10.2 beta.

Flash Player 10.1 already supports H.264 decoding, which increases HD video performance. StageVideo goes a step further – it GPU accelerates the complete video pipeline, reducing the CPU video playback impact to literally 0%.

It results in perfect video quality and performance, reducing the need for Flash Video performance best practices to an absolute minimum.

But seeing is believing. Visit Adobe Labs to download Flash Player 10.2 beta, and watch some of the amazing HD demos.

Tinic Uro presented StageVideo as part of the Adobe MAX 2010 sneak peaks.

Thibault Imbert, Flash Player product manager, provided a download Flash Player 10.2 beta.


Jens Loeffler

Author of The views/posts are my personal opinion.

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