Machinarium, a beautifully designed and award winning game for the browser, is now available for iPad 2. Almost instantly it became the iPad Game of the week, and the reviews are overwhelmingly positive.
“Machinarium is a must buy game, nothing else like it has come to iOS and it adds an extra challenge for those players who have already played on PC (9/10)” (via App-Score)
And like thousands of other games and apps in the App Store, it was built with AIR for iOS – a Flash authored game cross compiled to a native iOS with Adobe AIR. Enjoy!
More details and interview.
Download Machinarium from the iOS App Store.
mattmay “Written in Flash” ≠ playing arbitrary content off Internet in a demo Flash app, which should have been possible.
GlennF If iOS allowed it. Which it did not, and would not.
mattmay It did. You could write an app privately using an enterprise key to sign and demo it legally to reporters, use in company.
GlennF mattmay Your logic is getting awfully tortured. Apple cut off every happy path for Flash. The market’s choice seems Hobsonian.
dylanw mattmay Market choice was Android, the most popular mobile operating system on the planet
dylanw mattmay Which was widely cited by many hardware makers as being superior to iOS as it had Flash. BOO-ya.
GlennF dylanw s/Flash/a feature Apple deliberately left out, making it a marketing opportunity/g
GlennF mattmay Remind me, how long has the iPhone been out? And how long has Android held a market majority?
mattmay dylanw Honestly, would have loved Flash as an option in iOS, but would have reduced incentives for migration.
dylanw mattmay Android was supposed to kill iOS because it had more choices, including Flash. And it is won by having less profit.
GlennF mattmay You’re dodging the question. When iOS was on over 80% of the world’s smartphones, where’s the incentive to write Flash?
dylanw mattmay Write Flash? The Android version was supposed to (and did) play all Flash.
dylanw mattmay It wasn’t an app developer problem.
GlennF mattmay When Apple cut up every feasible route to run Flash on 80% of the world’s smartphones, what’s the incentive to write Flash?
dylanw mattmay Already replied. Also, you know that Apple never had anything like that marketshare. RIM and Windows dominated in America
GlennF mattmay But that’s like saying Dell and Gateway were never significant in the desktop market because IBM sold so many servers.
dylanw mattmay You know, I didn’t mean to rehash a 2010 argument. So, good night.
GlennF dylanw OH THANK GOD
mattmay GlennF I SAY GOOD NIGHT. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to run more Flash videos into this MacBook I’m using as a space heater.
dylanw I wonder if I can cough on you from here.
mattmay Wind is blowing out of the SW, so no.
dylanw Worst sxscurvy ever.
mattmay So it would have been a perfect refutation. I assumed it existed internally!
GlennF I don’t know what difference it’d have made. Other than poking a business partner in the eye.
mattmay As opposed to public pronouncements against Apple’s intransigence? It would have been very effective. I wanted to see it.
GlennF That… was not the evangelism team’s greatest moment.
mattmay Anyway, market spoke is part of it.
mattmay Right. So my point was: I’m Missouri! A million posts would have poked Apple if we’d seen Flash on iOS in a corp. signed app
GlennF It wouldn’t have mattered even if Flash outperformed HTML. It was a threat to their App Store model. And iTunes DLs. And Obj-C.
mattmay It would have been interesting, and a more useful data point. But far in the past now.
GlennF Anyway, point is, none of this points to Kevin being a “bozo.” It does, however, point to gruber trying too hard.
mattmay gruber Eh. I think Kevin was *acting* like a bozo when he made statements like that. Is he one? I dunno.
GlennF gruber I do know, and he isn’t. And Apple knows, because they hired him.
mattmay They hired Browett! Rim shot. But not RIM shot.
mattmay Actually, I’m not arguing that Flash couldn’t be demonstrated on iOS. I’m saying Adobe chose not to.