Impressive overview of AEG’s success and endorsement of Flash Media Server 4.5.
Jens Loeffler
Author of The views/posts are my personal opinion.
Varnish Sample Code for HDS and HLS Failover
January 16, 2013 -
Best practices for real-time collaboration using Flash Media…
December 16, 2010 -
Flash Media Server 4.0 announced
September 9, 2010 -
Chatroulette – Ben Folds live improvisation (and RTMFP)
March 23, 2010 -
RTMP, RTMFP and HTTP – The multi-protocol experience…
October 5, 2009 -
Tuner2: Flash audio streaming on the iPhone
August 26, 2009 -
Influxis FMS 3.5 demos
August 10, 2009 -
Creating a video sharing web application using Flex,…
August 3, 2009 -
Flash Media Server as video editing/stitching tool
August 2, 2009 -
Flash Media Server 3.5.2 and DVRCast available
May 26, 2009 -
Adobe to publish RTMP specifications
January 20, 2009 -
MAX 2008 – Flash Media Server 3.5 announced
November 20, 2008 -
Encryption and Streaming Media protection to Adobe Flash
October 7, 2008 -
Flash Media Server 3 released
January 29, 2008 -
Flash Media Server 3 pricing announced
December 4, 2007 -
Flash Media Encoder 2 released
November 1, 2007 -
Macromedia Announces Flash Media Server 2
September 8, 2005 -
Speedera announces Live Flash Video Streaming Service
September 10, 2004