My live interview with CNET’s Marguerite Reardon about Digital Media and Devices is available as recording now:

One of the questions was will we rather consume content in a web browser on the TV, or in application format. Although technically both options are possible, my personal prediction is applications. The example here is Google TV, which in its recent 2.0 version started to support the Android Market. The first version focused on content consumption via the browser, which triggered content rights issues with media companies:

Cable providers as well as content providers have been slow to warm to Google TV. NBCABCCBS and Hulu have blocked Google TV enabled devices from accessing their web content since Google TV’s launch. As of November 22, 2010, Google TV devices are blocked from accessing any programs offered by Viacom’s subsidiaries. [Wikipedia]

Avner Ronen, CEO of Boxee, adds another perspective, and rather sees the co-viewing experience with tablets as the more predominant model.

Ronen noted that Boxee has 300 Apps on its platform, but Apps are not a natural part of the television viewing experience. He says that tablets and other mobile devices will complement television which will remain a simpler device [Andy Plesser,]

Clearly the co-viewing model works, with the popular Adobe AIR application Psych Vision 2 as a prime example. But then again, console level gaming is coming to your TV with AIR 3.0 and Stage3D, maybe there is no need for a separate gaming console in the future. The Playstation or Xbox 360 hardware has been around for years, and is still relevant – maybe a model and life span for gaming hardware that works as well for smart TVs?

Only one thing is certain, CES will be very interesting.

Jens Loeffler

Author of The views/posts are my personal opinion.

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