Thanks for participating in the survey. The results are very interesting, and verify the new direction of Flashstreamworks.

The highlights

41% are interested in interactive web, followed by 37% mobile, and only a small percentage, 8%, is interested in advertisement.

77% are more interested in Flash, only 23% are interested in HTML5.

Nobody dislikes the new design, mostly neutral.

48% of the users know Flashstreamworks less than a month, 17% for over 3 years.

Tutorials (38%), Technology News (32%) and Sample Applications (29%) are the most popular reasons to return.

63% of users come to Flashstreamworks not for the video related news.

Particularly interesting was the custom written feedback, and will certainly inspire upcoming articles.


Overall the themes of the site seems to be on target, and it’s good to see some interest in HTML5 – although not a large percentage, the interest verifies the broader focus and the value of covering both Flash and HTML5. And as always, feedback and ideas are constantly welcome.


Jens Loeffler

Author of The views/posts are my personal opinion.

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