I admit this is a bit provocative, there are for sure a lot of other fun Stage3D games out there, there will be many more, and of course it’s very subjective. But Hardcore MX is one of the games that when you play it first, feels right – the sound, the graphics, the casual gaming concept for a quick in-browser game during a break.
And yes, it absolutely looks like the BMX part of the 1987 California Games on the Commodore C64, and it certainly invokes the corresponding nostalgic feelings with the older gaming generation not everyone might have.
But all that matters is that it is fun for me, and it makes me forget all technology behind it. No game installation, not plug-in installation – just visit the website and it works.
If you don’t share this feeling with me, I’m not offended. There will be others games. But for me it was an eye opener that the gaming console on the web is more than a buzz word, it’s an experience at some point you won’t be able to resist.
In case you are actually interested in technology details, Adobe provides more information on Stage3D in the gaming section of Adobe Developer Connection – surely exciting times ahead.
might be fun if you can get pass the menu… i gotta say I’m pretty disappointed with the unity to flash export, I haven’t come across one game that runs smoothly on my computer. granted it is a macbook pro, but it’d be nice to get more than 2 fps. think I’d stick to pure actionscript until these issues are resolved.
@peteshandHmm and how Stage3D demos work? May be your video card is not supported by Stage3D and it works in software/CPU mode?
Here http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/921/cpsid_92103.html
@wonderwhyer that’s what i first thought might be happening, but nope its running in hardware mode, and I’ve actually seen a few unity games running really smoothly, for example AngryBots runs well (http://unity3d.com/gallery/demos/live-demos) but yeah its not just unity to flash converts there are a heap of stage3d content out there that performs just as bad. I guess my video card (NVIDIA GeForce 9400M) made the cut, but only just… on the plus side it means that any content that I produce is as about as optimised as possible.
ps. the game does look amazing though! i’ll have to check it out on a better computer!
It runs very smooth here in my mid 2010 macbook pro. Congrats to the Game Dev!
@daniloslv maybe my hardware is just out of date (2009 macbook pro)
Brilliant! the physics is really good as well. I have started learning unity since adobe announced stage3d.
@wonderwhyer that’s what i first thought might be happening, but nope its running in hardware mode, and I’ve actually seen a few unity games running really smoothly, for example AngryBots runs well (http://unity3d.com/gallery/demos/live-demos) but yeah its not just unity to flash converts there are a heap of stage3d content out there that performs just as bad. I guess my video card (NVIDIA GeForce 9400M) made the cut, but only just… on the plus side it means that any content that I produce is as about as optimised as possible.