I’ve always been fascinated by well produced video-based marketing sites, specifically the cross over between traditional video production and the interactive web. 5 years ago I interviewed Effekt-Etage‘s Bjoern Kowalski about the Avant-Garde of Interactive Flash Video, and we’ve seen many, many sites since then. It’s great to see Nike’s new “Quick Controls Chaos” campaign pushing this a step further, by creating a visually astonishing basketball game, with interactive 160 angle and time control, and interactive story elements throughout the experience.

To launch Chris Paul’s newest shoe, the CP3.V, the Jordan brand created the “Quick Controls Chaos” campaign, which tells the story of how Chris’s quickness causes chaos both on and off the basketball court. (via TheFWA)

Great work by Wieden+Kennedy New YorkIdentify FX and Pretty Bird, and maybe an indication that highly produced experiences are still possible in 2012 .

Experience the “Quick Controls Chaos”.

Jens Loeffler

Author of Overdigital.net. The views/posts are my personal opinion.


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