• February 24, 2012
  • Jens Loeffler
  • 0

Nike introduced a new set of shoe sensors as part of Nike+Training and Nike+Basketball, which makes your shoes intelligent enough to allow you to follow and track your training schedule, and even compete with others.

Nike showed off the next evolution of Nike+ today and the highlight feature is the Nike+ Sports Sensor which seems a helluva lot like the future. The Sports Sensor is made from four different sensors inside the sole of your shoes and is strategically placed underneath your feet (big toe, heel, etc.) to spit out accurate readings. The sport sensor uses pressure data in combination with an accelerometer to calculate your movement, that way Nike+ Sports Sensor can measure how high your vertical jump is, how fast you’re moving and how hard you’re working all in real time. (via Gizmodo).

I think Nike+ Basketball will change the game,” said LeBron James. “Giving every player access to this level of information will have a huge impact on the way players train and play the game. (via Nike press release)

Welcome to the future, not too far away from “Back To The Future”.

Pretty impressive, and potentially the beginning of the next generation of sports lifestyle. Nike+ Basketball and Nike+ training will arrive this summer.


Jens Loeffler

Author of Overdigital.net. The views/posts are my personal opinion.


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