Starting as Flash Video centric blog, Flashstreamworks has been around for almost 8 years, reporting constantly over the evolution of what used to be called “broadband video“, and in recent years, adding coverage for mobile. With the successful relaunch 3 months ago, it started broadening its focus to cover online video, mobile, interactive, and advertisement, no matter if Flash, HTML5, or even just overall technology trends. It also started to invite contributors, which helped to further provide exciting new stories (some new contributors will be announced soon).
As part of my role at Adobe, I will take a more active role in blogging, and start contributing to Adobe’s Digital Media blog, which will include official blog posts and announcements. Flashstreamworks will remain the destination as it always have been and provide my and the contributors personal views, technology and industry insights, but if you want to get official information right form the source, including new product initiatives and projects, make sure to also subscribe to Adobe’s official blog.
But enough teasing, let’s focus on the real news – Adobe will support Adobe Access for native iOS applications, and will endorse MPEG-Dash (more details in the official post). It’s time visit and bookmark the new Digital Media blog.