Educational technology and media is one of my passions. I’m intrigued by the growth and acceptance of gaming in education. According to the New Media Consortium ‘Horizon’ report game-based learning is expected to continue to gain significant, wide adoption by mainstream classrooms within two to three years.
Using games are part of teaching, particularly with children, is not new. There is a great wealth of research that demonstrates video games can help children develop problem-solving skill and enhance creativity. The quality and diversity of games is constantly growing, teachers are incorporating web-based multi-user games and encouraging children to not only play games, but also create the games themselves as a part of the learning process. Investigating the education market, I find there is a lot of innovative work going on, here is a short round of a few interesting articles:
Don’t play it, make it – http://thejournal.com/
Serious Play awards – http://www.
Crystal Island – science learning through gaming – http://www.intellimedia.ncsu.
Digital Learning Day – http://www.digitallearningday.
Education 2.0 – http://www.forbes.com/sites/
Video in Education – http://www.streamingmedia.com/
The state of ed tech, 2012 – http://www.edweek.org/ew/
Horizon Report, 2011 – http://wp.nmc.org/horizon2011/
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