Very interesting use of augmented reality for the movie “Wrath of the Titans“. It combines Away3D / Stage3D with Total Immersion’s D’Fusion APIs for head-tracking in Flash.
The online AR experience allows participants to try on authentic Wrath Of The Titans 3D face models via their live webcam stream. There is a choice of characters including Minotaur, Cyclops (with moving eye) or Kronos himself and requiring no additional plug-in to Adobe Flash you can be trying them out and taking a photo in no time.
We were fortunate in that Warner Bros encouraged some much appreciated creative freedom to tweak official artwork, animate 3D models, and play with official trailer content to create a sizzle video demo of the experience. We were also encouraged to make the most of Flash 11’s performance increase as well as pushing the potential of Away 3d latest release.
The concept was prompted by the release of disguiseAR, our previous face-tracking application available in the App Store. Fortunately the same technology was portable from iOS to web, and with assistance and licensing from Total Immersion we were able to create an enjoyable user experience that hopefully enhances the brand. [via Vimeo]
Feel the wrath with the Flash-based augmented reality application.