• May 18, 2012
  • Jens Loeffler
  • 0

Some interesting Stage3D news from China. Adobe’s Gary Zhu highlighted the Stage3D game “The King of Fighter” on the Adobe Digital Media Blog .

Among those new Stage 3D games, “The King of Fighter,” developed by SNGO networking entertainment design, is quite stunning. This game is based on A3D, a Stage 3D game engine independently developed by SNGO. The live demonstration at the SNGO booth, highlighting the 3D effects within the game (including light effects, normal maps, and motion blur, and air twist) became a hot topic among the developers at the event. [via Digital Media blog]

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In addition, SNGO’s website has a demo of the Flash-based 3D engine. Unfortunately I can’t read Chinese, but it visually looks very impressive.

Check out the Stage3D demo on SNGO’s website.

Jens Loeffler

Author of Overdigital.net. The views/posts are my personal opinion.


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