Mobile video and video advertising continue to be hot topics. Mobile video consumption at home is increasing, according to a recent study released by Tremor Video in partnership with Frank N. Magid Associates, Inc. According to the study viewing ‘mobile’ video is no longer confined to ‘being mobile’. With 52 percent of all smartphone video viewed at home and peak viewing hours between 5 to 11pm, mobile video viewing is now mirroring TV viewing peak hours. With video consumption growing across devices, video producers have an opportunity to look at these new devices not as competition but as options to creative interesting cross platform experiences. So far American Idol type voting seems to dominate the cross over between TV viewing and mobile interaction, but I’d like to see something more engaging than voting. What do you think are the most interesting examples of TV and Mobile experiences? Either what has already been done or what you new ideas?
On a side note, I also think the Tremor Video Mobile Magic video presentation is an interesting example of presenting research data in an interactive and engaging format.
You can find their presentation here.