CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) has observed a particle consistent with the Higgs boson, a proposed elementary particle that was in theory predicted in 1964.
If you are not familiar with CERN, their research had a pretty significant side effect that impacts our daily life. Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet while working at CERN in 1991 – interestingly on a NeXT workstation produced by NeXT, the company Steve Jobs founded after leaving Apple.
John Ellis’ explanation is the best so far, offering a concise model as comparison, and even demonstrating it with a formula on his t-shirt.
Clearly, this is a better representation than CNN’s attempt to compare the Higgs boson with Justin Bieber’s teenage girl fans.
Part of the tools CERN has is the Large Hadron Collider, the world largest and highest-energy particle accelerator.
The LHC lies in a tunnel 27 kilometres (17 mi) in circumference, as deep as 175 metres (574 ft) beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland. [..] It was built in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries, as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories. [via Wikipedia]
It’s a truly magnificent piece of technology – something you clearly don’t want to interfere with.
If this inspired you, and you want to deep into the world of particles and the universe, Stephen Hawking’s book “The Grand Design” might be the right lecture. Stephen made a bet that the Higgs boson would never be found.
“I had a bet with Gordon Kane (of the University of Michigan) that the Higgs particle wouldn’t be found,” Hawking told BBC News on Wednesday. “It seems I have just lost $100.” [via Reuters]
Certainly a bet worth losing.
Eppur Si Muove, Higgs Particle YOK
Regardless Of Whatever Whoever
Regardless Of Whatever Is Said By Whoever Says It – Higgs Particle YOK. S Hawking is simply wrong in accepting it. Obviously wrong. Everyone who accepts the story of the Higgs particle is simply wrong. Plain commonsense.
Singularity and the Big Bang MUST have happened with the smallest base universe particles, the gravitons, that MUST be both energy and mass, even if they are inert mass just one smallest fraction of a second at singularity. All mass formats evolve from gravitons that convert into energy i.e. extricate from their gravitons clusters into mass formats in motion, energy. And they all end up again as mass in a repeat singularity.
Universe expansion and re-contraction proceed simultaneously.. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) http://universe-life.com/
Refresh Some Comprehensions…
Who Suppresses Science Creativity? Academia Suppresses Creativity?
Again and again, ad absurdum:
Since the 1920s Science is suppressed by a Technology Culture, tightly supervised by a religious old style trade union , AAAS…
Liberate Your Mind From Concepts Dictated By Religious Trade-Union AAAS:
USA Science? Re-Comprehend Origins And Essence
* Higgs Particle? Dark Energy/Matter? Epigenetics? All YOK!
* Earth-life is just another, self-replicating, mass format.
* All mass formats evolve from gravitons, the primal universe mass-energy particles.
* Since singularity gravitons are extricated from their big-bang clusters , become energy, at a constant rate.
* All mass formats follow natural selection, i.e. intake of energy or their energy taken in by other mass formats.
* Evolution Is The Quantum Mechanics Of Natural Selection.
* Quantum mechanics are mechanisms, possible or probable or actual mechanisms of natural selection.
* Life’s Evolution is the quantum mechanics of biology.
* Every evolution, of all disciplines, is the quantum mechanics of the discipline’s natural selection.
Update Concepts-Comprehension… http://universe-life.com/2011/12/13/21st-century-science-whence-and-whither/
Earth life genesis from aromaticity-H bonding
Universe-Energy-Mass-Life Compilation
Seed of human-chimp genome diversity
New Era For Science Including Genomics
Dov Henis
(comments from 22nd century)