EverythingiCafe (9/10)
The fluid design, original thinking, and creativity put into the User Interface for NBC Olympic Live Extra is second to none. The fact that you are being provided access to every single event for no extra cost other than what you pay your TV provider is awesome. [via EverythingiCafe]
ABC News – The Must-Have Apps To Keep Up With the Games
NBC’s apps are the place to get up-to-the-minute Olympics information if you are in the United States. [via ABC News]
B4Tea – Top 10 Best Apps for London Olympics 2012
The Olympic lovers, who do not want to miss even a single moment of the 2012 London Olympic Summer Games must install NBC Olympics Live Extra app. [via B4Tea]
Business Insider – The Best iPhone And iPad Apps You Missed This Week
Another app we really like NBC lets you watch the Olympics live from iPhone, iPad, or iPod [via Business Insider]
International Digital Times – 5 Must Have Apps To Keep Up With London Olympics
NBC owns the distribution rights to most media coming out of the Olympics, so their mobileapps are necessary for any Olympics fanatic. […] NBC has gone all out with the design of this application. [via International Digital Times]
Wall Street Journal – “Favorite App”
More details on the NBC Olympics applications.
Download the applications: iOS App Store, Google Play.