There are many video related posts on this blog, but some of them have been pretty crucial to get better insight into the video space. Here is the list of my favorite and most noteworthy posts so far.
1) Streaming Protocol and Content Protection Quick Guide – Everything you need to know about the latest streaming and content protection options on the web – as concise as possible, including the brand new Adobe Media Server 5 features.
2) Adobe Media Server, 608/708 CC and the CVAA – Summary of the new CC functionality in Flash / Adobe Media Server 5. For some a good read, for others a government requirement.
3) The Hidden Licensing Costs of HLS Video Playback – Important if you work with HLS – handle with care though, this is simply quoting a third party, and is not official advice.
4) The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Advanced Video Delivery with AIR for Mobile – Video with Adobe AIR on Mobile is not necessarily the easiest thing to comprehend. This will give you everything you need to get started.
5) HLS vs. HDS – What Is the Difference and Why You Should Care – Very detailed blog post outlining the differences between HLS and HDS/MPEG-Dash – technically profound is not just the post itself, but also the intensively complex comments.
6) Flash Player and 5.1 Surround Sound – You didn’t know this, did you? A quick guide how it’s been done.
7) Source Code: Adobe AIR 3.3 Retina Video Application – Issues with Retina performance and Adobe AIR? This will not only show you how to make it better, but provide the source code.
8) NBCU Research Guru Alan Wurtzel Shares the 3 Surprises of the London Olympics – NBC’s Media Maven provides some insight into one of the most successful online video events so far.
9) Stratos Jump with 8 Million Concurrent Streams – Online World Record? – Did I just say most successful media event? The Stratos jump broke the concurrency record.
10) Watch the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa live on ESPN3.com – Another milestone for online video streaming – the FIFA World Cup 2000, and its massive audience.
And there are many more to come, thanks to a constantly evolving online video world.