Today Adobe unveiled details of a series of new Project Primetime features, including the Primetime Media Player

The Primetime Media Player allows for a richer, more robust viewing experience on desktops and mobile devices within apps. With seamless ad insertion and native support for protected playback built into the Player, consumers will enjoy faster video load times, fewer playback errors, and a less obtrusive advertising experience.  [via Digital Media Blog]

… and MediaWeaver, a new solution for seamless ad insertion, management of business rules, and overall ad management.

With MediaWeaver, broadcasters can replace or dynamically insert ads into adaptive video streams on any desktop and a broad range of IP-connected devices — without content prep or workflow changes. [via Digital Media Blog]

Learn more from Adobe’s Cathi Kwon.


In addition, Cathi talks about the advantages of integrating Adobe Auditude, Audience Manager and SiteCatalyst.


Subscribe to the new Adobe Project Primetime YouTube channel to keep up with the latest video news.

Read the official press release.

Jens Loeffler

Author of The views/posts are my personal opinion.

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