Peugeot’s new immersive video marketing experience really caught my eye, due to its use of HTML5. It contains a high quality level of video and interactivity integration that I have formerly only seen with Flash.

Why do I find this so noteworthy compared to all the other great emerging HTML5 work?

When I first started this blog in 2004, one of the focus areas were high end video experiences with Flash for marketing sites. As example, I took a closer look at the MINI Cabrio special, which was way ahead its time, and set a first benchmark for marketing video experiences.

Combing video post production with the interactive timeline of Flash seemed to make perfect sense to create the next generation video experience – and many, many sites were created since then, for cars and similar high value goods.

With HTML5 emerging, things became more functional – this is why I’m excited to see this level of experience finally being exercised with HTML5. Middle-wheel scrolling HTML5 sites are great, but it’s finally time to step up.

Check-out RCZ Test Driver.

Jens Loeffler

Author of The views/posts are my personal opinion.

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