After reading the multi-part series on Adobe Primetime, and learning about seamless ad insertion, addressing the mobile fragmentation, a single publishing workflow, and the overall the benefits of fast deployments, it seems to make sense to take a look at a live examples.
For seamless live ad insertion, NBCSports is streaming sport events and commentary. Comcast is securing and monetizing their Xfinitiy TV content with Adobe Primetime, while M6 is solving their Android fragmentation issues.
Want to see more? If you are at Adobe MAX 2013 tomorrow, stop by at the Adobe Primetime presentation, or check out the recording once it becomes available.
hotkeys It looks like the wrong link.
Jens Loeffler hotkeys should be fixed now – thanks
The slides from the MAX presentation we delivered on Primetime Player Development at MAX this year can be found here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11a0fgaNn0-Yy5CJNArTwlLnxZCr-P72CtGoswyVFV9M/
noel_olivier Ah, didnt realize you were using Primetime. We have also done a lot with it. What are your thoughts on it?
DigitalPrimates It answers to a big part of the Android devices. It need integration and tests but it works !