An update to Adobe Media Server has been released with some new improvements:
- New PHDS, PHLS, PRTMP certificates – the current ones are to expire this month
- PRTMP now supports Key rotation, which was earlier available for Protected HTTP streaming
- The common-key file and whitelist file can now be updated at runtime, without requiring a server restart
- The common-key and whitelist access in the PRTMP on-demand workflow is now routed through the file adaptor, if present, and can be configured to handle requests of content-type “PRTMP”
- AMS access log now supports an additional column “x-sprotection-ver” that will be logged with application and stream events with a value of “1” if the stream is protected (PRTMP enabled)
- The f4fpackager tool has been enhanced to support the generation of multiple manifest files utilizing different licence server URLs
Get the free update here, and read the full release notes.
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