Photoshop is turning 25, a quarter century of empowering creatives around to the world. Adobe published a homage in form of an Aerosmith music video. My favorite YouTube video comment so far has been.
I just switched window from Photoshop to Chrome and watched this. Now going back to Photoshop [YouTube comment]
Photoshop is widely used, theNextWeb has an interview with Photoshop’s Senior Product Manager Zorana Gee. On the question how to handle a potential “Photoshop Killer”, she responds.
We’ve been hearing this for a very long time and we always hear it, but the good thing about the Photoshop team is that we always take it seriously. So if there’s something out there that is potentially an ankle-biter, or a even bigger like foot-biter, we’re very attuned to what’s happening in the market.
Meanwhile Jimmy Kimmel is asking – Fashion Week or Photoshop?
Read the official Adobe blog announcement, and follow the #photoshop25 hashtag on Twitter.