Tinic Uro, Principal Engineer of the Macromedia Flash Player, gives us a nice overview, why Macromedia picked the ON2 codec as official video codec for Flash 8. The TOP...
We’ve had this in the pipe for a while, but now we’ve officially released our FLVPlayer. Comes with an installer and also includes a Metadata repair tool. Big thanks...
I’m going to attend the Flashforward NYC again this year. (it’s just a couple of blocks away from where i work!) Really looking forward to this great event with...
Heavy.com is a nice collection of fun video clips, music and games (all based on Flash). Interesting concept for a broadband portal. Visit heavy.com “War of gods” fans –...
MINI has a new Flash Video Special online for their latest editions. Explore MINI in a lifestyle enviroment and find out more about the cars. Nice and seamless video...
Flashforward finalists have been announced: Check out Finalists Nominations for Flash Video: Billy Harvey Music Excess All Areas Heart Of Volvo Peperami Noodle Army Awesome contributions.