Amazon has chosen Macromedia Flash Video as the exlusive online format for the Amazon Theater Short Film competition and Microsoft uses Flash Video to deliver a video based learning...
Not really new, but we haven’t mentioned it yet: Akamai, one of the largest video provider, and Mirror Image are FVSS providers now. Akamai Mirror Image
The NFL is using FVSS to provide latest information about their superbowl event. Having a lot of traffic, the website is a great example how leading companies are...
Brajeshwar posted some source files for a Flash Video player with BW detection. “The application uses Object Oriented Progamming Methodology and is patterned closely to Model-View-Presenter.” If the Peldi...
One of the biggest weapon conventions “SHOT Show” is using Flash Video to highlight new products before and during the actual show. The service is provided by the Convention...
WWE relaunched their website today utilizing Flash Video on their frontpage to advertise latest shows and channels. Rough content, but good example how Flash Video is getting more and...
The Macromedia Flashcom team gave the community a Sneakpeek of new possible Flashcom features at this year’s MAX conference in New Orleans. Check out the Breeze presentation
“Canadian Broadcast Corporation and the New Toronto Group have been nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Achievement in Advanced Media Technology for the Enhancement of Original Television Content...