• August 19, 2007
  • Jens Loeffler

Papervision3D Sine Wave Study

An amazing example demonstrating a wave liquid surface which is being hit by rocks. An interesting sneak peak of what visual effects will be possible with Papervision3D powered games...
  • August 13, 2007
  • Jens Loeffler

Trevor the Mentos Intern

Trevor the Mentos Intern is an interactive Flash Video application which allows you to give him tasks and watch him perform those live during the day. He claims that...

mtvU Live

MTV’s mtvU college network launched a live video channel using the Flash Media Server streaming technology. Great video quality, short buffer time and good use of the new Flash...

Commenting System updated

I’ve finally added spam security to my commenting system and it should be much easier to leave feedback now. Since Flashstreamworks is based on a custom weblog engine Oscar...

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